Tagged: 64×64

Triton 1.21.5 0

Triton Resource Pack for 1.21.5 – 1.20.6 – 1.19.4

Triton Resource Pack for 1.21.5 is a High Definition and cartoon styled Resource pack. It has 3D models and sound effects that gives a game the stylish comic look. This Resource pack comes in  many resolutions like...

BackyardCraft 1.21.3 1

BackyardCraft Resource Pack for 1.21.3 – 1.20.6

BackyardCraft Resource Pack for 1.21.3 is a photo-realistic themed Resource pack. It comes in a different resolutions of 64×64, 128×128, 256×256 and 512×512 in this Resource pack. It was designed by TheAwesomeKielbasa.

ScarySauce 1.21 0

ScarySauce Resource Pack for 1.21 / 1.20.6 / 1.19.4

ScarySauce Resource Pack for 1.21 is a very good  Minecraft  Resource Pack and you will get some newer version soon. It is  also pleasantly transform your game and makes it into more enjoyable to play...