Resource Packs

Minecraft Legends GUI Resource Pack 1.20.6 – 1.19.4

Minecraft Legends GUI Resource Pack 1.20.6 will be a newer addition to completely revamp your default looking gui. It will be the first ever gui pack that was inspired from the popular addition that’ll be Minecraft Legends. It will be mainly focusing into providing gui, title screen, custom sound and textures from the Legends. But however you will be required to have a good computer in order to run this game smoothly, Mainly due to its resolution of 512×512. This Resource Pack have been built by the Heild.

This Resource Pack will be transforming your gui into one of the distinctive style of Legends. It will be altering the gui elements in order to ensure that your in-game performance aren’t affected.  You will be be getting extraordinary title screen that will be unlikely to be found anywhere else than this pack. Prismarine will replace experience, It will aslo bring custom Mob effects with some other exciting features.

Minecraft Legends Resource Pack Updatelogs for 1.20.6:

  • Fixed Crosshair and Hotbar.
  • Improved Custom Sound effects and Tools
  • New Custom Title Screen and Inventory.
  • Changed Art and Menu.

Minecraft Legends Resource Pack Configuration:

  • Some features will be required by OptiFine to make them work smoothly.


Download Minecraft Legends GUI for 1.20.6, 1.19.4:

For Minecraft 1.20.1:

Testing Map for Changes in Minecraft Legends:

For Minecraft 1.19.4:

How to Install This Resource Pack: 

  • Step 1: Download this Resource Pack.
  • Step 2: You will get a .zip file for this Resource Pack.
  • Step 3: You will have to open the %appdata% folder.
  • Step 4: Then you will have to go to .minecraft folder.
  • Step 5: You will have to go to Resource Pack Folder.
  • Step 6:Move the downloaded .zip file into that folder.
  • Last Steps: After it then you will have to run Minecraft after placing the .zip file.
  • Then You will have to Open Minecraft.
  • You can Enjoy playing this Resource Pack.


We do Recommend you to Download and install  OptiFine HD to enhance your gaming experience with Shaders.


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Emily Johnson have been an avid Minecraft player for around the past five years. She always wanted to share the latest news regarding this game. She always wanted to provide a genuine content that will help the fellow Minecraft players and their developers. She have wrote various types of articles that have been based on OptiFine, Forge API and many more. She have gained immense popularity through the quality of her work while providing genuine content to the community.

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